BrainTaza Team

In this article, you will learn about Google Analytics and Google Ads for YouTube Ad spend. Additionally, you will learn how to optimize videos for success on YouTube, including common mistakes that most people do while promoting YouTube videos.

Free Tool

YouTube ads are the most effective and cost-efficient way to market your business on the world’s largest video-sharing site. There are several ways to track the performance of your YouTube ads, but one of the best is Google Analytics. This free tool lets you analyze how well your campaigns are performing, including:

Tracking and optimizing your YouTube ad spend is essential for any business today. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, if you want to succeed on YouTube, you need to know your YouTube ad spend, how many views each video gets, and what the conversion rate on that view is.

Performance and Optimize

1) Get Started With Insights API

2) Identify Your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

3) Set Up Your YouTube Analytics Dashboard

With over 1 billion monthly users, and over 1 billion hours of video watched per day, it’s no surprise that this is one of the most popular platforms for advertisers to advertise on. If you want to optimize your YouTube ad spend, you need to understand the performance of your ads so that you can ensure they’re reaching the right audience and driving the most sales.

Google Ads

You can use AdWords to track conversion rates for each individual ad in addition to overall conversions by the campaign. This will give you more insights into where your ads are performing well and where they might need some improvement.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an extremely useful tool for analyzing any website’s traffic data and making sense of it all. You can use this tool in conjunction with AdWords to determine whether any specific keywords are driving traffic or not—and if so, how many impressions per day those keywords are driving.

Common Mistakes – Ads

  1. Choosing the wrong ad format
  2. Untested ads
  3. Not optimizing for search, not just display
  4. Unclear strategy for your YouTube ads
  5. Not creating a compelling call to action

While YouTube ads are a great way to promote your business, they can be difficult to understand and evaluate. It’s important to remember that these ads are designed to give viewers a reason to engage with your brand, so you should carefully consider the messaging behind each one.

We’ve put together a list of common mistakes that we’ve seen in YouTube ads that can result in lower click-through rates (CTRs) and higher costs per click (CPCs).

  1. Using too many keywords
  2. Misleading content
  3. Using irrelevant visuals
  4. Not optimizing for mobile devices

Spending time and energy creating a great YouTube Ad and have finally published it to the platform. You’re ready to start getting views. However, you see that your video is only being viewed by 1% of the people who watch your ad.

Common Mistakes – Video

  1. Make sure your video is ready for prime time before you publish it. This means it is optimized for engagement and ready for sharing across all platforms.
  2. Make sure you have a good title and description for your video so people can discover what they need from it in the search results

The first step in creating a successful YouTube ad strategy is to understand what motivates people to watch YouTube ads in the first place. The second step is to find out what your target audience wants and needs. This will help you create more relevant ads, which is important for increasing your ad recall and click-through rate (CTR).

More Mistakes

Creating an irrelevant ad. Ads should be relevant to the content people are watching, so it’s important to check out what types of videos are popular on YouTube. You can also use social media analytics tools like BuzzSumo or Kred.

Not testing your ads. It’s important to test how well your ads perform in different contexts. You should test for the type of device being used. Including, whether there’s an audio track playing alongside them or not. You can use Google Analytics “Performance Reporting” feature, available on all pages except those that have been designed specifically for testing to see how many people watched each video after clicking on it in search results or within other ad formats.