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In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular performance marketing platforms. There are so many options out there and each one has different features and benefits to consider. We’ll also include few tips on choosing the right platform for your business.

Marketing software is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. The set of tools and data to help you measure, monitor, and track campaign performance in real time. Performance marketing platforms are designed to help marketers focus on the results they want to achieve. This is the most difficult aspect of digital marketing. It’s the best option to skip this in the beginning in order to more focus on learning to find the best offers for you.

This requires technical knowledge including adding some extra budget. The cost of setting up a tracking platform can go up to 25000$ if you choose to build a new one. What if we told you that it is not necessary to build a new one and you can work on 3rd party platform with more ease and cost-effective way?

You can track up to 40,000 thousand conversions and more in some cases. Platforms will help you to set up and meet technical needs in the beginning. Once you learn how to set up and track conversion you can follow the same steps to integrate with other platforms. Without this, you can face some issues in tracking performance & track conversion for an offer or campaign. It’s important to learn tracking for campaigns or offers in order to track conversions. As you know conversions have a direct relation with payouts. 

Key Features

Create, measure, and track marketing campaigns with a single platform

Manage your data across multiple channels and platforms in one place

Manage your customer lifecycle from acquisition through cross-channel engagement

How do you choose the right performance marketing platform for your business?

The key to a successful performance marketing strategy is to think about how your customers are interacting with you and then create a plan that makes sure their experience is as good as it can be.

1. Affise

Affise Platform

Affise is one of the fastest-growing saas platforms for advertisers, ad agencies, and ad networks. It has the best features and a support team to help you.

Capabilities – advanced targeting, real-time statistics, promo codes, commission tiers, short links, view-through attribution, QR codes tracking, zip code targeting, cross postback reports, advertisers account, full cycle tracking, events report, Whitelabel, revenue prediction, full API access, parallel tracking.

Key Features – Fraud prevention, Analytics, Reporting, Automation, Tracking, and Attribution.

CostFree Month Trial

Easy to use – The platform needs some technical knowledge to operate. However, the support team is available with documentation to enhance learning about the platform. You can ask the support team for a 14-day trial which can be extended up to 1 month in some cases.

2. Offer18

One of the best features of this platform is low investment and ease to use. It has two prices, one is unit base, and the other is conversion base. The platform is very popular in affiliate marketing and small agencies.

Capabilities – Mobile VAS, e-commerce, dating, Gaming, full cycle tracking, events report, Whitelabel, full API access.

Key Features – Anti-Fraud, Analytics, Automation, Tracking, and Personalized.

CostFree 14 Days Trial

Easy to use – The platform needs basic technical knowledge to start with. However, the support team is available with documentation to enhance learning about the platform. You can ask the support team for a 14-day trial which can be extended up to 1 month in some cases.

3. Offershub

Offershub is one of the performance marketing platforms popular in ad networks and affiliate marketers. It has all features for pricing distribution and commission distribution both. It has two prices, one is for click base and the other is for conversions base.

Capabilities – Smart Links, and Custom SSL Certificate

Key Features – Conversions Fraud Detection, Data Stream

CostFree 15 Days Trial

Easy to use – Offershub is very simple and designed performance marketing solution for affiliate and agencies. You can Sign Up to get a 15 days trial and take advantage on the affiliate program.

4. Tune

Tune(formerly Hasoffers) is the premium platform available in the market. One of the platforms used by big performance marketing companies and advertisers. It is one of the first few platforms those were available for agencies and advertisers to work with affiliates.

Capabilities – Premium Partnership, Advance Targeting, and Real-time Reporting

Key Features – Data Protection, Proactive Fraud Prevention, and Funnel Metrics

CostOne Month Trial

Easy to Use – is build for advance tracking and unlimited automation capabilities. Affiliates can explore more data and take advantage to make sure the perofmrnace of campaining.

FAQ for Marketing Software

What’s your budget?

Performance marketing platforms range from free to very expensive and every business owner should be able to find a solution that fits within their budget. The best way to determine if a platform is worth it is by looking at its features and costs.

How does this platform work with other marketing channels?

Some performance marketing platforms allow you to integrate with other types of marketing like social media, email, or direct mail campaigns; others will only support one type of campaign at a time. Always make sure that the platform supports all of your important channels so that you can easily measure results when they occur.

How easy is it to use?

When evaluating performance marketing platforms, look at how easy they are to use — both on the front end (when someone signs up) and the back end (when they start using the service). Make sure that there aren’t too many steps involved in setting up.

There are many different options when it comes to performance marketing platforms. But how do you know which one is right for your business?

We’ll also go over their pros and cons so that you can find the best fit for your company.