BrainTaza Team

In this article, you will learn to find top-performance agencies and pick the right one. Here, you will learn a very simple approach to Adjust, Branch, AppsFlyer, Singular, and Kochava to find the top-performance marketing agency.

The Challenge

It is a very difficult task to pick the right performance marketing company for your business. You can pick agencies like Facebook ads and Google ads based on their experience but in performance marketing, it’s a different approach. The problem exist for a very long time and it’s sometimes a complex task to find, pick and work with the right performance marketing company.

Business Goal

Performance marketing is a form of marketing that focuses on the results your business achieves. It’s not just about “selling” products and services; it’s about providing customers with an experience that leads to a desired outcome.

The big 5 – Google, Meta, Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok

Performance Directories

Kochava Authorized Partners – Recommended by Kochava as all the partners are integrated with Kochava mobile analytics platform.

You can check the list on the Kochava media index.

Appsflyer Performance Index – Media sources ranking system for mobile advertising since 2015 has been published by Appsflyer.

You can check the latest one by filling in basic details about yourself.

Branch Partners – Branch provides a list of partners including agencies and integrated partners for performance marketing partnerships.

You can pick the right partner in EMEA, APAC, and LATAM regions.

Singular ROI Index – Singular release and publish the ROI index for the best of the media sources to pick from.

You can check the new index released report published by the Singular team by filling in basic details about yourself.

Adjust Partner Marketplace – Here you can see the list of trusted solutions and technology partners.

Right One

Experience – The agency or ad network partner should have experience in performance marketing inputs and outputs.

Past Campaigning – Experience including campaigns and brands promoted in the past and share any insight that can help businesses to take decisions.

Case Studies – You can also ask for case studies from publishers, agencies, and ad networks to determine the best business partner for you.

Campaign Budget – A partner should be given a $1000 trial budget to see performance going according to plans. You can increase the budget after seeing the performance.

Media Kit – Know more about business partners ask media kit and check visions, partners, and unique approaches they would like to give.

Volume – This is very important to know the delivery or volume a partner can deliver on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.

Model – CPM, CPC, CPI, CPA, CPS, or any other model depends on business partnership.

Integration Type – Agencies and ad networks can start on two types of integration agency or ad networks. Always look for data transparency and build trust amongst the app marketing community. It will help make a better business relationship and determine long-term success.

Platform – Ask your partner about the platform they are working on as you might face some delays to understand and learn the data capabilities of a new platform.

BudgetIntegrated Partner
$100,000+Unity Ads, IronSource, AppLovin, Inmobi
$10,000 – $100,000Mintegral, Moloco, Appnext, Liftoff, Chartboost
Price in USDTop Partners