BrainTaza Team

In this article, you will learn about Google Ads. We will focus on Display Advertising and Keywords Targeting in Google Ads.

What Is Google Ads?

Google Ads is an advertising tool that helps brands, companies & agencies to buy traffic from the Google Ads network. Google Ads network includes YouTube, Google Search, Play Store & Google Display Network.

Keywords Targeting vs Display Advertising

We are in the era of competition especially while promoting online. The thinking of marketing people and processing work has changed. It’s a big challenge for companies entering the market to put all efforts into marketing before understanding the market.

  • Keyword targeting on mobile for mobile apps
  • Keyword targeting on mobile for mobile web
  • Keyword targeting on the desktop for web

User Target

These are very important practices to remember and learn the user base you are going to target. we will start with an example to understand what really takes to work on deciding the right keywords for the apps we are promoting.

Different Approach

The basic go with app formation and requirements in the market. A finance app has different ways of acquiring users related to offline marketing methods. When we talk online marketing we target the same users but the ad content is the only difference when compared with other products and services.

Keyword Targeting

Let’s discuss this in detail if you are targeting gaming users for your mobile app what keywords you will decide and how you are going to pay for them? The biggest challenge is to understand the journey of the user and its relevance to the keywords. Although if you focus on keywords like mobile gaming, gaming, and gaming you will see a massive response because it will connect to a wider audience. They will surely be looking to install the app and play to give it a go to the app.

Keyword Selection

The keyword selection process is the key to success because if you select the right keyword you will surely get success in the short term. The process of keyword selection is very decisive in order to understand the scope of expansion of similar words. You can start with google trends to compare with different keywords.

Optimized Keywords

These keywords are performing keywords in the app market. Those apps are fully optimized for the keywords strategy with the current app marketing goal. These could be premium and non-premium keywords with performance in totality.

Premium Keywords

These are high-performance keywords generating high revenue and registering users of high-income groups. Targeting 1% – 5% top of the funnel making purchases, online shoppers to gamers.

App Store & Play Store Suggestion

One thing in keyword targeting you can decide on a list of keywords suggested by the play store and app store. You can not control this as you don’t have anything to control. In most cases, the keyword suggested by the app store and play store depends on paid marketing.