BrainTaza Team

In this article, you will learn about Mobile gaming. Addtionally, we will discuss about gaming history and mobile gaming innovations.

What is Mobile Gaming?

Mobile gaming is the practice of playing video games on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the rise of powerful mobile hardware and the availability of apps for both Android and iOS operating systems. With mobile gaming, gamers can enjoy their favorite games anytime, anywhere. This has made it possible for gamers to stay connected with their friends, even when they are not physically together. Mobile gaming also allows gamers to access a wide variety of titles from different genres, giving them more options than ever before.

Mobile Gaming apps data worldwide. According to appbrain & 42matters android accounted for 65.71% & iOS 34.29% as of 7th, October, 2022 Friday. 2.81 billions gamers generated revenue of 189.3 billion USD. Asia is the biggest region with1.48 billion mobile gaming users. After Europe with 715 millions gaming users.

In Andriod 4.44% mobile gaming apps are in paid category. For iOS 7.92% mobile gaming apps are in paid category. We will analyze top apps for the mobile gaming category for Android & iOS. In addition, we will try to understand digital marketing methods. For instance, Google Ads, Facebooks Ads & other media platforms. In conclusion, we will discuss the budget mobile gaming publishers spend on all media platforms.

The gaming industry is 4 decades old. I consider Japan as the inventor of gaming. The first game was designed & developed only for Japanese children. Slowly it started to be noticed & gain popularity mainly in the USA & Europe.

The commercialization began in the early 80’s where gaming was the first choice to buy expensive computers. It has nothing to do with learning. Xbox & PlayStation were also used later to enjoy gaming experience more conveniently.

Computer Gaming: 1951 to 2022

Most Popular Game in PC: PUBG

Xbox Gaming: 1972 to 2022

Most Popular Game in Xbox: Halo 2

Play Station: 1994 in Japan & 1995 in USA to 2022

Most Popular Game in Play Station: Gran Turismo

Mobile Gaming: 1997 to 2022

Mobile Gaming: BrainTaza
Most popular Game in Mobile Gaming: Arena of Valor

Mobile Gaming History, Mobile VAS, Play Store, App Store & Current Position.

Mobile gaming started in 1997 with snake preloaded in Nokia mobiles. It was the first interaction with gaming on mobile in the world. Nokia was failed with N Gage mobile in 2003 released with 58 games to lure gamers from Xbox, PC & Playstation.

To fill the gap therefore, Mobile VAS (Value Added Services) mostly a team of aggregator, operators & app store owners launched services. They have started getting users with huge numbers. Revenue model was based on renewals completely. However, due to lack of technologies to upgrade users started getting loosing.

Therefore, Companies jumped into mobile gaming as huge opportunity is there. In other words, technology is a crucial to grow & it should be cost effecting. Moreover, no use of new technology at all.

After that mobile gaming waited next 3-5 years to launch on Android to regain its popularity. In 2012 with Play Store & App Store mobile gaming started again. The gaming industry we see today is booming day by day. New users are getting on-boarded & try different gaming experiences.

Mobile Gaming Worldwide Success.

Mobile gaming is on the top no doubt. PUBG, Free Fire & Call of Duty are some of the names I do remember as an Indian. These apps are in each & every mobile you can see. In other words, teenagers specially boys busy playing these games most often.

Gaming apps are generating great revenues for publishers. In other words, traffic monetization & in-app purchases are revenue making strategies. To take advantage on competitors you need users. For instance, Facebook Ads & Google Ads, both are big platforms to acquire users. Mobile gaming is growing rapidly from last 5 years. Therefore, the competition in gaming has increased. Similarly, the budget is the key to success in shorterm.

Users Acquisition & Growth Hacking is been widely used to acquire users quickly. Users are not loyal in these days due to wide range of mobile gaming apps availability. In conclusion, long term strategy is difficult to follow. Keep spending till start earning & then keep earning is not going to work.

Indian Mobile Gaming Industry.

Mobile gaming industry is 2.7 billion USD industry at the moment. It will reach 7 billion USD in 2027 estimated. Indian mobile gaming users are different from other users. In other words, spending on gaming users prefer earning with playing. However, more publishers launch games in india to generate ad revenue. In conclusion, to stay profitable is always good.